We will admit, or website did not look very good. It wasn't elegant, smooth, or pleasant to look at. It had a dated design, even though we found it during many design changes. We know that some of you out there like our writing and regularly read our articles, so we decided to update our website's look. Now our website has a brand-new flat design. The rounded green buttons looked bland so we turned them into flat, transparent black buttons with green wording. This transparent look adds a little more complexity to our regular news. We wanted to keep our grey background, but make it more complex than solid grey. To make it more interesting, we added a grey cube background to sit under the posts. Our font color has changed from standard black to white, to stand out more from our predominately black and grey website. We refreshed our website's look to make it look modern, and to benefit you the reader. You should be able to have your cake and eat it too.
There have been many advances in consumer electronics over the past year, but we have only covered the news in mobile electronics. Even though laptops, tablets, and smartphones can be very interesting, we felt that we were missing out on covering some of the latest news in technology. Having our website geared towards mobile electronics also made us miss out on reporting the latest news in science culture, nerd culture, and people culture. We are now opening our news coverage past mobile technology to include all of technology, science culture, nerd culture, and people culture. We will also bring you more editorials to show you our opinions on the latest issues. To show you what electronics we choose to buy ourselves, we will also be writing articles about what we carry and use every day. Since our news coverage will be covering more than mobile technology, we felt that Mobile Tech Note was not a good name for our site. Mobile Tech Note will be changing to Tech & Co. soon, and our URL will be changing to techandcompany.blogspot.com just as soon. Don't worry if you still find yourself going to mobiletechnote.blogspot.com after our change. We will be re-creating our old version of Mobile Tech Note on a new blog, and put links that refer you to our current blog all over the place. So stay tuned for our new coverage, and our new types of articles.
Technology is a very complicated thing. There are all sorts of numbers, terms, and different names flying around. Tech savvy people will keep up on all of this and know it by heart (like we do), and they will always know what they want. The rest of the world is not like this. Everyone else will probably not know the differences between everything, and why they should pick this over that. We realize that some of you might have questions about technology, so we have decided to start a new kind of article called "Ask Tech and Co.". You can email us at techandco@outlook.com, or tweet at us on Twitter @Beatlesunion if you have any questions for us. We will answer your questions as posts on our website, and we will respond to you when they are done. Hopefully, this will help you make the right choices in the technology world.
Those are some of the many new things to come to our blog. We saw some of the areas that we could improve, and so we sought out to fix them. Our goal is to provide you with the best coverage of technology, technology culture, nerd culture, and people culture that we are physically able to. To those of you that have been with us this whole year, thank you so much. To those of you that are reading for the first time, welcome and stay tuned for great new stories.
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