Earlier today, Qualcomm unveiled their new Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064 processor on their developer tablet in San Francisco. This processor is the successor to the S4 processor that we see on many of today's flagship mobile devices (ex. HTC One X, American Samsung Galaxy S III's, HTC One S, Motorola Atrix HD, etc.), and is one of the greatest mobile chipsets on the market. Based on the scores we have seen from Engadget, this new processor seems amazingly fast. This new processor blows away the competition and beats every other mobile device you could imagine in every single benchmark category. This processor is like a Bugatti Veyron drag racing against a Smart Car. We can not explain how much faster this device is compared to the devices that are out right now. This new processor leaves every single top mobile product in the dust. The Snapdragon S4 Pro beats the AT&T HTC One X, all of the Samsung Galaxy S III's, the Nexus 7, the international HTC One X, and probably any other mobile device out today. Even though this chipset delivers amazing benchmark scores, we still wonder how much this processor will impact battery life. The regular S4 Krait processor can give great battery life with a big enough battery, but we still can not assure whether this will deliver bad battery life. As of now, this processor is only available on Qualcomm's developer tablet, the Qualcomm S4 Pro MDP, but we expect this new chipset to be available on the next wave of mobile flagships. Overall, this new processor offers blistering performance, but we do not know if it can deliver good battery life. Want the benchmark scores on Qualcomm's newest processor? Head on over to the source link for more information on this new amazing processor.
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Source: Engadget
Picture from Engadget.com
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