We have been waiting for Blackberry to unveil Blackberry 10 for a very, very, very, very long time. There are not enough very's to stress how long we have waited. Every time Blackberry was getting close to announcing it, they pushed the release date back. On January 30th, 2013, Blackberry finally unveiled their newest operating system and their newest devices. After Blackberry's year long absence from the mobile market, how do their devices stack up to iOS and Android? Will Blackberry 10 and their new devices bring people back from their beloved iPhones and Android phones? Click on for our take on Blackberry's brand-new Z10 and Q10, and their new operating system.
Blackberry Z10
The Blackberry Z10 is Blackberry's brand-new flagship. This is the phone that Blackberry will push for you to buy. The Z10 has a 4.2 inch 1,280 x 768 display, a dual-core 1.5GHZ Snapdragon S4 processor, an eight megapixel camera, a two megapixel front-facing camera, and of course Blackberry 10. As for the Z10's design, it is the definition of Blackberry design. The back is made up of a dimpled plastic with Blackberry's very clean seven dot logo. The front has two metal-like plastic bands across the top and bottom, the 4.2 inch display, the two megapixel camera, and Blackberry's name. The top and right sides of the Z10 host the matte aluminum volume and lock buttons. While this design is not as daring as the HTC 8X or the Nokia Lumia 920, it is not a bad design. It looks very clean and it is very sturdy. This kind of phone looks very pedestrian and ordinary, but it is not ugly. The 1.5GHZ dual-core processor keeps Blackberry 10 running along smoothly, and it will handle everything you need to do. Blackberry 10, however, might not have everything you want in a smartphone operating system. Even though Blackberry was bragging that they had 70,000 apps at launch, there are not many Blackberry optimized apps. Forty percent of the 70,000 Blackberry 10 apps are Android ported apps, and the Blackberry only made apps are very bad. In some apps the English is not right, some apps look very shady, and some of the shady apps are recommended to you. While this may be dismal news to Blackberry fans, we do have some good news also. Blackberry said that many more apps are on the way, such as Instagram, Spotify, and many more apps that you will actually use. Overall, the Blackberry Z10 is a nice, speedy handset that is only hindered by Blackberry 10's small app market. In addition to the all touchscreen Z10, Blackberry unveiled their QWERTY keyboard toting Q10.
Blackberry Q10
The Blackberry Q10 is the phone that Blackberry die hards will buy. People have not been waiting for Blackberry to release a touchscreen BB10 phone; people have been waiting for a Blackberry phone with Blackberry's fantastic QWERTY keyboard. The Q10 is Blackberry's latest QWERTY handset with its 3.1 inch, 720 x 720 Super AMOLED display, a 1.5GHZ dual-core processor, 2GB of RAM, and, of course, a portrait QWERTY keyboard. The Q10 has a design reminiscent of the Blackberry Bold 9900 with its carbon fiber looking backplate, aluminum banded sides, and rounded corners. The keyboard is slightly different from Blackberries of yore by being straight instead of curved, and there are metal looking slats in between the rows of keys. The keyboard looks almost exactly like the virtual one on the Z10. Like almost every other Blackberry, the phone is very sturdy, solid, and looks like it can withstand a couple drops. The Q10 looks like the right successor to the Blackberry throne by being a speedy, solid, and durable device.
The Z10 and Q10 are Blackberry's last hopes at staying in the mobile market. Blackberry hopes these devices will let them stay relevant in the mobile market. While these devices may be solid handsets, Blackberry did not make the right choices when marketing them. Blackberry advertised the Z10 more, because they think people like full-touchscreen devices more. This is true, but people will not move to Blackberry for a full touchscreen phone. Most people are either already invested deep into iOS and Android, or they have jumped ship from Blackberry to never return again. The people who still own Blackberry handsets do not want the Z10; they want the Q10. People usually do not hold onto their Blackberries just because they love Blackberry. People are holding onto their Blackberries because of their great keyboards. Making the Z10 available before the Q10 is a huge mistake for Blackberry. If Blackberry were to make any of the two handsets available first, they should have made the Q10 available first. Blackberry's new handsets are nice, but they need to get their stuff together to get their old market share back. Want more news on Blackberry's new glimmers of hope? Check out the source links below for more information.
Source: Engadget's Blackberry Z10 Review, Engadget Blackberry Z10 Official, Engadget's Hands-On With The Blackberry Q10, Engadget's Blackberry 10 Liveblog
Pictures from source links above.
Blackberry Q10
The Blackberry Q10 is the phone that Blackberry die hards will buy. People have not been waiting for Blackberry to release a touchscreen BB10 phone; people have been waiting for a Blackberry phone with Blackberry's fantastic QWERTY keyboard. The Q10 is Blackberry's latest QWERTY handset with its 3.1 inch, 720 x 720 Super AMOLED display, a 1.5GHZ dual-core processor, 2GB of RAM, and, of course, a portrait QWERTY keyboard. The Q10 has a design reminiscent of the Blackberry Bold 9900 with its carbon fiber looking backplate, aluminum banded sides, and rounded corners. The keyboard is slightly different from Blackberries of yore by being straight instead of curved, and there are metal looking slats in between the rows of keys. The keyboard looks almost exactly like the virtual one on the Z10. Like almost every other Blackberry, the phone is very sturdy, solid, and looks like it can withstand a couple drops. The Q10 looks like the right successor to the Blackberry throne by being a speedy, solid, and durable device.
The Z10 and Q10 are Blackberry's last hopes at staying in the mobile market. Blackberry hopes these devices will let them stay relevant in the mobile market. While these devices may be solid handsets, Blackberry did not make the right choices when marketing them. Blackberry advertised the Z10 more, because they think people like full-touchscreen devices more. This is true, but people will not move to Blackberry for a full touchscreen phone. Most people are either already invested deep into iOS and Android, or they have jumped ship from Blackberry to never return again. The people who still own Blackberry handsets do not want the Z10; they want the Q10. People usually do not hold onto their Blackberries just because they love Blackberry. People are holding onto their Blackberries because of their great keyboards. Making the Z10 available before the Q10 is a huge mistake for Blackberry. If Blackberry were to make any of the two handsets available first, they should have made the Q10 available first. Blackberry's new handsets are nice, but they need to get their stuff together to get their old market share back. Want more news on Blackberry's new glimmers of hope? Check out the source links below for more information.
Source: Engadget's Blackberry Z10 Review, Engadget Blackberry Z10 Official, Engadget's Hands-On With The Blackberry Q10, Engadget's Blackberry 10 Liveblog
Pictures from source links above.
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