When Samsung announced the Galaxy Note II at IFA three days ago, it was not the only thing they unveiled. Samsung also unveiled their brand new Galaxy Camera. This is a brand new point and shoot camera that runs on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, has a 4.8 inch 1,280 x 720 HD display, and HSPA+ 3G and "4G" connectivity. Samsung is not the first company to release an Android camera because Nikon has already released their Coolpix S800c, but this looks like a much nicer camera. The Galaxy camera has a very nice spec list with its 4.8 inch 1,280 x 720 touch screen display, Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, with the Touch Wiz skin, a 1.4GHZ quad-core processor, a 16 megapixel f/2.8-5.9 23-480mm lens, 21x zoom, a 1/2.33 inch BSI CMOS sensor, a pop-up LED flash, 3G/"4G" HSPA+ connectivity, a micro-SIM slot, a microSD card slot, WiFi connectivity, a 1,650 MAH battery, and it comes in black and white. This camera also has a very nice design with its many curves, comfortable looking hand grip, and its silver-clad buttons.The Galaxy Camera does not have too many camera features that will make it stand out from the crowd, but the fact that it runs Android 4.1 will make it really easy to use and for people to post their pictures to social networks like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. The HSPA+ built into the camera will make it even easier to post your pictures on the go, and it could let you check any of your internet-needy services (email, social neworks, etc.). Since the Galaxy Camera runs Jelly Bean, you also get the Google Play Store to download any Android app you desire. Overall, this looks like a nice camera that will bring many neat features with its Android interface but it will probably not be for anybody looking for the best camera on the market. Want more information on Samsung's Jelly Bean toting camera? Check out the source link below for more information.
Source: Engadget
Picture from Engadget.com (the source link)
Source: Engadget
Picture from Engadget.com (the source link)
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