Many tech people look up to the great Steve Wozniak. These people may look up to him, because he co-founded a small company with Steve Jobs and called that company Apple. Today, Steve Wozniak showed the internet world what he carries around in his bag every single time he travels. He carries around every single item shown in the picture except these:
Source: Gizmodo
- 2 of the iPhones, an iPod nano, and an iPad that belong to his wife, Janet
- a Belkin AC tripler with dual USB that Steve carries in his suitcase
- a dual USB adapter that is from Janet's travel things
- the Canon battery charger is carried in Steve's camera bag
- the firewire HD he carries in his suitcase
- the Verizon 3G mifi adapter(Steve says that the standard micro USB screws up the mifi, so he has to use their awkward connector)
- an AirPort Express and MacBook Pro 85W magsafe adapter, which are not in this photo
- a bluetooth mouse
- a pair of binoculars
- projector connectors
- multiple Gameboy Lights (a Gameboy model that they sold in Japan but never in the United States)
- Gameboy link cables
- plenty of foreign AC adapters,
- prism glasses for watching movies in bed
- sunglasses
- earplugs for concerts
- Ultimate Ears UE18 earplugs for flights
- Gameboy link cable
- tons of pencils for pencil games on flights
- tons of pens
- tons of sharpies
- tons of paint pens (for signing)
- red-blue-purple-yellow-green laser pointers
- credit cards
- hotel cards
- airline cards
- hard rock card
- medical cards
- small accessories like olloclip iPhone lens adapter
- Square (credit card reader attachment that goes into a smart phone's headphone jack)
- flash keys
- flash media adapters
- cigarette lighter dual USB adapter (car charger dual USB adapter)
- audio doubler cable (headphone splitter)
- iPad USB/SD Card adapters
- toiletries for hotels
- batteries of many types (AA, AAA, CR2, CR128, odder types for things like Steve's bag beeper for locating his suitcase)
- eyedrops
- $2 bill pads
- pencil puzzles
- itineraries for upcoming travel
Source: Gizmodo
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