T-Mobile has already confirmed the Samsung Galaxy Note but now they have released the pricing and release date of it. The T-Mobile flavor of the Samsung Galaxy Note will come out on August 8th for $250 (after a $50 rebate) on a two year contract. This pricing is a little too much for the Note considering the Samsung Galaxy S III can be found for $200 on all of the American carriers, except for T-Mobile. The Galaxy Note still has the same specs as last year's international model. For the high price of the Note, T-Mobile should have refreshed the internals of the phone with probably a Snapdragon S4 processor and a slightly better camera. These refreshed specs might come in the rumored Samsung Galaxy Note 2 that should be announced soon, but the Note 2 can not come to T-Mobile as late as the Note did. If the Note 2 comes as late as the Note, then the lack of refreshed specs and the high price will not be acceptable. Why would a person pay more money for a smartphone that is slower and older? The Note is not that slow, but it is not as cutting edge as it was in late 2011. For most people the Note will satisfy their needs, but it will not fit for power users anymore. If you want the fastest and absolute best handset on T-Mobile, then you are better suited with the Galaxy S III. If you like the stylus features and largeness of the Note more than anything else, then the Note will suit your needs. Want more information on Samsung's phablet making it to the magenta clad American carrier? Check out the source link below for more information.
It's 7:15 at night. The sun has been below the horizon for quite some time, but it is not yet my bedtime. I go to the cashier and ask her if they are showing my movie. She gives me a puzzled look, checks the queue, and luckily finds the tickets I am looking for. After asking my age she assures me that I have nothing to be ashamed about, nothing to fear. I then pass through the doors and embark on a journey I have been waiting for more than a decade to begin. Back in 2004 Nickelodeon, Stephen Hillenburg, & company released the very first feature film of the SpongeBob Squarepants franchise: The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie . The cartoon had been around for less than five years at the time, and many people did not expect much from its box office release. However, it did do very well for a television cartoon movie grossing more than $32 million opening weekend and receiving average scores of 66/100. This might sound mediocre compared to Oscar winning films, but this is incredib...
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