For a limited time, you can get the Verizon version of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus and the HTC Rezound at a discounted price. The Galaxy Nexus is discounted by $50 to the price of $149.99. This is a great deal, because you get a 720p HD Super AMOLED screen, (yes it is Pentile but it is still a great screen) stock Android Ice Cream Sandwich, LTE speeds, and a path to the Nexus updates. The things that make the Verizon Nexus not as good as the unlocked HSPA+ Galaxy Nexus from Google is that the Verizon version has worse battery life, that Verizon put many logos on the back, and that Verizon blocked Google Wallet from the Nexus. This makes the Verizon Nexus somewhat of not a true Nexus. The HTC Rezound is discounted to an incredible $79.99. For this very low price you get a great 720p Super LCD TFT screen, a great 8 megapixel camera, and LTE speeds. The Rezound also comes with a set of high quality Beats headphones that would regularly cost $100 on their own. The bad thing about the Rezound is that it has bad battery life. If you can ignore these small problems about these two great phones, head on over to Verizon and pick up one of these fine handsets.
Source: Verizon
Source: Verizon
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