Last week, Apple unveiled its new mobile operating system iOS 6. With the new OS, Apple ushered in many new features like Facebook integration, a "Do Not Disturb" feature, Siri for the iPad, and new abilities for Siri. The new Facebook integration is much like Apple's iOS 5 Twitter integration with having the ability to post pictures and web pages directly to Facebook and to like apps and songs through the App Store and iTunes. The "Do Not Disturb" feature looks like a very useful feature that lets the user make all notifications not make a sound or light up the screen until you turn the feature off again, but you will still get these notifications. This feature is undoubtedly useful when you are in certain places like a meeting or when you are sleeping.
Another new feature iOS 6 brings is Siri for the new iPad. This long awaited feature lets users of the new iPad finally use Siri instead of the "voice dictation" on the new iPad in iOS 5. iOS 6 also brings some new features to Siri. Some of these new features are the ability to look up Sports stats, scores, and the ability to compare players' and teams' stats. Another new feature is to look up where a movie is playing close to you, which will make it easier for people to find the movie they want to see rather than having to go to a movie website or dozens of movie theaters' web sites. The new Siri also features the ability to look for restaurants by food, price, location, seating, or a combination of other criteria. Another feature is for Siri to launch apps and to post status updates and tweets to Facebook and Twitter.
With iOS 6, Apple got rid of its Google Maps integration by making its own maps with already 100 million businesses integrated. The new Maps also has features like turn-by-turn navigation, real-time traffic integration, and a fly over feature to see buildings. The new Maps also lets you find places through Siri.
iOS 6 has a very useful new Passbook feature with it. The Passbook feature lets you put all of your boarding passes, movie tickets, coupons, loyalty cards, and more all in the same place. This new feature lets you not have to look through your wallet or purse to find your tickets by having a barcode show up on your screen instead. Passbook can give you a notification based on location and/or time for your boarding pass or coupon.
A big new feature for iOS 6 is the ability to make Facetime calls over a cellular connection. This new feature will only be available on the iPhone 4s and the new iPad (third generation). We think that this new feature should have come a long time ago, but it is still nonetheless very welcomed.
Need more information about the exciting new features of iOS 6? Check out the sources for more information.
Sources; Engadget & Apple
Another new feature iOS 6 brings is Siri for the new iPad. This long awaited feature lets users of the new iPad finally use Siri instead of the "voice dictation" on the new iPad in iOS 5. iOS 6 also brings some new features to Siri. Some of these new features are the ability to look up Sports stats, scores, and the ability to compare players' and teams' stats. Another new feature is to look up where a movie is playing close to you, which will make it easier for people to find the movie they want to see rather than having to go to a movie website or dozens of movie theaters' web sites. The new Siri also features the ability to look for restaurants by food, price, location, seating, or a combination of other criteria. Another feature is for Siri to launch apps and to post status updates and tweets to Facebook and Twitter.
With iOS 6, Apple got rid of its Google Maps integration by making its own maps with already 100 million businesses integrated. The new Maps also has features like turn-by-turn navigation, real-time traffic integration, and a fly over feature to see buildings. The new Maps also lets you find places through Siri.
iOS 6 has a very useful new Passbook feature with it. The Passbook feature lets you put all of your boarding passes, movie tickets, coupons, loyalty cards, and more all in the same place. This new feature lets you not have to look through your wallet or purse to find your tickets by having a barcode show up on your screen instead. Passbook can give you a notification based on location and/or time for your boarding pass or coupon.
A big new feature for iOS 6 is the ability to make Facetime calls over a cellular connection. This new feature will only be available on the iPhone 4s and the new iPad (third generation). We think that this new feature should have come a long time ago, but it is still nonetheless very welcomed.
Need more information about the exciting new features of iOS 6? Check out the sources for more information.
Sources; Engadget & Apple
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