It has been over a year since we first started Mobile Tech Note. We have seen many new advances in mobile technology such as Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, Android Jelly Bean, quad-core processors, and 1080p displays. Laptops have gotten even thinner, faster, crazy high-resolution displays, and they can flip and twist in all sorts of ways. To those of you that have been with us this whole year, thank you very much. If you are reading for the first time, welcome. We have some news for you. We will admit, or website did not look very good. It wasn't elegant, smooth, or pleasant to look at. It had a dated design, even though we found it during many design changes. We know that some of you out there like our writing and regularly read our articles, so we decided to update our website's look. Now our website has a brand-new flat design. The rounded green buttons looked bland so we turned them into flat, transparent black buttons with green wording. This transparent look adds a...
The latest in technology, science culture, nerd culture, and people culture.