We have been waiting for Blackberry to unveil Blackberry 10 for a very, very, very, very long time. There are not enough very's to stress how long we have waited. Every time Blackberry was getting close to announcing it, they pushed the release date back. On January 30th, 2013, Blackberry finally unveiled their newest operating system and their newest devices. After Blackberry's year long absence from the mobile market, how do their devices stack up to iOS and Android? Will Blackberry 10 and their new devices bring people back from their beloved iPhones and Android phones? Click on for our take on Blackberry's brand-new Z10 and Q10, and their new operating system. Blackberry Z10 The Blackberry Z10 is Blackberry's brand-new flagship. This is the phone that Blackberry will push for you to buy. The Z10 has a 4.2 inch 1,280 x 768 display, a dual-core 1.5GHZ Snapdragon S4 processor, an eight megapixel camera, a two megapixel front-facing camera, and of course Bla...
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