At a New York City event on Wednesday, HTC unveiled their first Windows Phone 8 devices. These two devices are mostly geared towards fashion-minded people with their bold colors and stylings. The HTC 8X is the flagship Windows Phone 8 device for HTC, and the HTC 8S is the more mid-range device. Do these devices stack up to the other Windows Phone 8 devices? Are these devices compelling enough to make people switch from Android or iOS? Find out the answers to these questions and more in our scoop on HTC's first Windows Phone 8 offerings. HTC 8X The HTC 8X is HTC's brand-new Windows Phone 8 flagship. It has many of the specs that you would find on an Android flagship with its 1.5GHZ dual-core Snapdragon S4 processor, 1GB of RAM, a 4.3 inch 1,280 x 720 Super LCD 2 display, NFC, 16GB of built-in memory, and a 1,800MAH battery. Windows Phone handsets are no longer inferior to the latest Android flagships, because these specs rival the HTC One X's specs and the specs of ...
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