Hot damn. Apple just recently added a new laptop to their lineup. No it is not just an iterative spec update, but rather Apple positions this as the laptop of the future. Well, the future of now. They say your next laptop will be like this, and maybe even the one after that. The company wowed the world with the MacBook Air back in 2008, but can they do it again with the new MacBook? Most of you will hear "MacBook" and a few different laptops will pop into your head. There's the current MacBook Pros, MacBook Air, and then the old black and white plastic MacBooks that were discontinued in 2011. The 2015 MacBook is an entirely new beast. Apple is not pushing the boundaries on what a laptop is supposed to be, but they are pushing the limits in many other areas. The new MacBook comes in three colors: space grey, silver, and gold. The space grey looks exactly like the space grey on the iPhone, and the silver model is identical to the MacBook Air. But if you pick...
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